It Really is the Little Things

Today is Friday, which is pretty much always a good thing. After work I picked up my BFF crazy K and her youngest son. The original plan was just to pick up them up from her son's speech therapy and grab her prescriptions and bring them home. But you know how things go. Neither of us had any plans for the night and we were out anyway so why not head to Target and grab dinner after? She had actual shopping that she needed to do, I just enjoy being in Target. Don't judge. I only bought 3 things and spent $30 bucks, which isn't bad for one of my recreational trips to Target. Admittedly I didn't "need" 2 of the items but pens make me happy (especially super fine tipped pens that are on sale) and who DOESN'T buy a $40 leather Moleskine phone case when it's more than 1/2 off?? Did I need either of of these items? No. But neither will go to waste, in fact my phone is enjoying it's new case as I type.

So as much as I'm enjoying my new laptop, it's small size is making me realize how flabby my stomach is. I'm totally fine with being overweight, I have been pretty much all my life but I used to be fairly toned. I'm not liking the flab. Ugh. Know what this means? Treadmill and crunches. Man do I hate treadmill and crunches. I miss water aerobics but do I really want to join the Y again? Do I want to commit to going at least twice a week?I work close enough to the Y now to make it to the classes on time. Most of the water aerobics classes are in the mornings but Monday and Wednesday classes are in the evening and Sunday mornings offer a water walking. I have no idea what water walking is but I like water and I can walk (most of the time.) It's $588.00 for a 1 year single person membership.  If I manage to go to 8 classes a month it works out to be $6.12 a class. Probably very worth it. Hmm.. I guess it's something else that I'll need to think about. And yes, if I want to take a water aerobics class around here the Y is the only option. None of the stand alone gyms even have a pool. Without a pool there can be no water aerobics and this body does not do land aerobics for everyone's health and safety. I'm big as a house and as graceful as drunken sailor with vertigo. Me in a land aerobics class would not be pretty or safe.

It's officially very late, P will be home soon. I can't wait to say Hi to him and then head to bed, this awake thing is overrated.


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