How Do You Spend Your Weekends?
Mine are full of crap that needs to get done and not really fun anymore. Part of growing up I guess. At least I get to sleep a little later than I normally do? Not tons later because my bladder doesn't allow me to do that but it is nice to get up and use the bathroom knowing that I could go back to bed after if I want. I did go back to bed to doze for a little while Saturday. I eventually decided that I was awake for the day but instead of getting up I laid in bed and read while P slept and H took B to volunteer. P & I actually got up around 10:15 and decided to go out for breakfast with T. This was probably the first mistake of the day. I've blogged before about how unplugging T is like taking heroine away from an addict. She brought her iphone but it's battery was dead because she didn't charge it Friday night. The poor phone was super dead, like not even turning on. An unplugged T is a pile of bitchy nonsense. Attitude galore with a side of poor me the universe hates me. Needless to say I was done with her before we even got to the restaurant and P wasn't too far behind. The restaurant we were going to ended up being packed and P was starving so we decided to go somewhere else. Ms. Attitude demanded pizza. Nope. Insert a bunch more pouting. We eventually made it to another diner that we all like and enjoyed a yummy lunch. Then it was off on our usual weekend errands punctuated by occasional whining and pouting for some form of electronic stimulation, which she had been told she couldn't have until much later in the day. At least we got (almost) everything done in one trip.
After we got home P's ex brother-in-law came over to have P look at his truck. That turned into a several hour long debacle. OH I forgot to mention that it was only about 10 degrees outside today. By the time they were done doing whatever they were doing to the truck P was pretty much a popsicle on legs. A very hungry popsicle on legs. Crappy take out dinner because it was fast and a trips to Target and Stop & Shop followed. Then it was home to flop for the night.
Today I spent the day with my friend K, which was good I NEED friends outside of P & H. K and I have been friends for close to 30 years at this point so we pretty much talk about anything and everything, good, bad and ugly. Today we were on the hunt for birthday presents for her oldest son. We found a really nice watch, a tempered glass screen protector for his phone (his phone getting a new screen is another gift, I love the kid but he's broken every phone he's ever owned) and a few other useful odds and ends for him. K works really hard to make sure her boys have nice gifts, even on her very limited income. I can never tell if I admire her for this or if I think she's a nut especially where the older boys are concerned. At 17 and 19 they are both old enough to understand the value associated with money (both have jobs) and just how little of it their mother has. To their credit, they rarely ask for "big" things anymore. This is pressure she puts on herself. I mentioned this to her today (like I said we talk about everything) and she knows that she probably shouldn't go as crazy with gifts as she does for them but if she doesn't she feels guilty. Like huge amounts of mom guilt. She couldn't give them a stable home, better father or the upper middle class life that we enjoyed growing up. So she sure as hell wants to give them "good" birthdays and Christmases. I kind of understand, although I think I reacted a little differently with Ri. Instead of gifts I wanted him to see everything he could. I would put him in the car every weekend and day off I had and take him places. Zoos, museums, aquariums, theater, movies, woods, beaches, karate, fencing, swim. Anything and everything he might be slightly interested in seeing or doing I tried to get him to it. I tried to make sure we took vacations away from home too. Looking back I had a bunch of mom guilt too but manifested it in a different way. I guess we all just do our best with what we've got, right?
I can't tell you how much I hated typing that word "blizzard." Doesn't mother nature know that it's mid-March?? At this point in the year I should be freaking out about wearing a bathing suit not wishing that Target hadn't put away the really warm gloves for the season. I'm really, really sick of being cold. I say this knowing full well that in July I'll be sick of being hot but at least then the beaches are open. You just can't win the weather game around here.
You'll notice in my weekend run down did not include sex, again. I honestly don't remember the last time I had really fun mind blowing sex or really any sex. I'm sorta starting to think it's not going to happen ever again. It was a possibility yesterday but honestly after all the running around I didn't feel like it. H was home and in the room too which honestly kills the mood for me. I fibbed and said I was still spotting (I had been in the morning) then just blew P because he was feeling randy. Eh, whatever. Sex isn't everything, right? Right? someone please say right....
Today I spent the day with my friend K, which was good I NEED friends outside of P & H. K and I have been friends for close to 30 years at this point so we pretty much talk about anything and everything, good, bad and ugly. Today we were on the hunt for birthday presents for her oldest son. We found a really nice watch, a tempered glass screen protector for his phone (his phone getting a new screen is another gift, I love the kid but he's broken every phone he's ever owned) and a few other useful odds and ends for him. K works really hard to make sure her boys have nice gifts, even on her very limited income. I can never tell if I admire her for this or if I think she's a nut especially where the older boys are concerned. At 17 and 19 they are both old enough to understand the value associated with money (both have jobs) and just how little of it their mother has. To their credit, they rarely ask for "big" things anymore. This is pressure she puts on herself. I mentioned this to her today (like I said we talk about everything) and she knows that she probably shouldn't go as crazy with gifts as she does for them but if she doesn't she feels guilty. Like huge amounts of mom guilt. She couldn't give them a stable home, better father or the upper middle class life that we enjoyed growing up. So she sure as hell wants to give them "good" birthdays and Christmases. I kind of understand, although I think I reacted a little differently with Ri. Instead of gifts I wanted him to see everything he could. I would put him in the car every weekend and day off I had and take him places. Zoos, museums, aquariums, theater, movies, woods, beaches, karate, fencing, swim. Anything and everything he might be slightly interested in seeing or doing I tried to get him to it. I tried to make sure we took vacations away from home too. Looking back I had a bunch of mom guilt too but manifested it in a different way. I guess we all just do our best with what we've got, right?
I can't tell you how much I hated typing that word "blizzard." Doesn't mother nature know that it's mid-March?? At this point in the year I should be freaking out about wearing a bathing suit not wishing that Target hadn't put away the really warm gloves for the season. I'm really, really sick of being cold. I say this knowing full well that in July I'll be sick of being hot but at least then the beaches are open. You just can't win the weather game around here.
You'll notice in my weekend run down did not include sex, again. I honestly don't remember the last time I had really fun mind blowing sex or really any sex. I'm sorta starting to think it's not going to happen ever again. It was a possibility yesterday but honestly after all the running around I didn't feel like it. H was home and in the room too which honestly kills the mood for me. I fibbed and said I was still spotting (I had been in the morning) then just blew P because he was feeling randy. Eh, whatever. Sex isn't everything, right? Right? someone please say right....
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