Halfway Through 2024??

Time does move fast, doesn't it? So Happy New Year (a couple times over)!! I've recently decided (after checking out some of my favorite blogs and finding zero updates) that I miss this medium. Tiktok & Insta are great but reading about someone's life was always so much fun. So, in the spirit of trying to bring back blogging I thought I do a "What have I been up to?" list. It's not much to be honest but here we go! 

The three of us are still a thrupple and we're happier than ever. I seriously love my life with them and can't imagine what I would do without them. 

One of my partner's retina detached about a year ago. The first four surgeries failed to fix it. Lucky number five seems to have done the job but he's still one surgery away from it being completely fixed. If all goes to plan this surgery will be done at the end of July, I'm looking forward to him having depth perception again. 

All three "kids" (they are all well into their 20's now) are doing great. They've all done a bunch of traveling of their own and my son has taken up some kind of crazy midevil sword fighting. It's terrifying to watch but it makes him happy so, yay! 

I changed jobs again and ended up back in banking, lending to be specific. It's been good, I've learned a ton and I'm never bored. I need to be busy or I lose interest in the job and my performance suffers. 

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at my last annual physical. It came as a shock but did explain a few things. I did great with diet and exercise changes for about 3 months but lately I've fallen off that wagon. Not entirely but some carbs have slipped back in. My numbers aren't terrible but the medications are doing the real heavy lifting now and that's ok. I'll get better about things again, baby steps. 

My love of cruising has only grown and now my partners have the cruise bug too! I even signed up to be a travel agent and took a bunch of the courses. So if anyone reading feels like going on vaca, let me know. 

 Sticking with the travel theme, I took my mom on her first cruise (along with my sisters, but they had both cruised before) and we had a great time...until the very last day when she came down with what was probably Covid. Sucky way to end the trip but up to that point we had a great time and I hope she wants to cruise with me again soon! 

I'm finally taking steps to get out from under crazy credit card debt, I have a 5 year plan and I'm feeling optimistic about finances for the first time in years. Wish me luck. 

I suddenly love growing plants this year, mostly pumpkins (Halloween, here we come!) but some cucumbers too. And a sad little Strawberry plant I found rolling around the floor of Home Depot that I decided to buy. I thought it would be dead in a day or two but it's happily growing away out there with its pumpkin friends. It's silly, but I do a little happy dance every time I see a new seedling or flower bud. 

Our very old Dachshund mix, Princess, managed to hurt her neck/back very badly somehow. The breed is known for having back/neck trouble especially later in life and there isn't much the vets can do. The hope was that with crate rest, muscle relaxers and pain meds she would heal. Let me tell you, for an old injured dog she is very hard to keep quiet. Crate rest helped but it is torture for everyone, so much barking. She hates being carried everywhere (no stairs, walks or jumping on/off furniture)  and she is SO BORED. With the help of some pain killers (she'll probably be on them for the rest of her life now) she is almost back to normal. The dog stroller we bought should be delivered in a few days. I"m hoping that it will help us both. I'll get more exercise and she'll get to be out of the house. Even if she can't be walking the change of scenery should help the boredom. 
The old lady in question:  

 Hopefully I'll start writing more again soon. Tell me what you all have been up to in the comments!


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