The Fight To End It All - Almost

It almost happened Tuesday and it was once again ( surprise, surprise) over TV. It also involved their oldest daughter, B. Here is the rundown:

I've mentioned before that I've been feeling lukewarm towards sex at best, our work hours don't help anything. Sex is less available so I want it less. It is what it is, I guess.

So Tuesday....

B was scheduled to take her drivers test during the day so P took the day off. B failed the test so she spent the day home with P (pouting I'm sure) all day. I got home after a long day of working and made some dinner for all of us then grabbed a shower. When I came out of the shower and into the bedroom to dry off. P mentioned that he had told B that she couldn't watch TV in our bedroom (we have the better antenna in our room and she wanted to watch over the air TV) so we could "relax." Great, right? Yes, sex did happen. I was bored, it sucked, but hey whatever, P had fun (before anyone asks, he knew I had significantly less fun.) We finished right around the time the show B wanted to watch was coming on. I went from the bedroom back to the bathroom to clean up and heard B complain loudly that the signal wasn't good enough from the living room. I'm going to be honest and say I did think "Jesus stop whining." on my way into the bathroom. All this kid does is whine and no I don't think it's a "normal" teenage girl behavior. She's just used to getting her way and complains loudly if things don't suit her perfectly.  Anyway, I finish cleaning up and head back to the bedroom where I see P putting the show that B wanted to watch on our TV. I immediately know that he's told her that she can watch TV in our room so my mood has shifted to not very happy. So I said, "P, I'm heading to bed. Did you tell B she could watch TV in here?" he answered yes the same second that B and her laptop and assorted other crap come hurtling into the room and onto our bed. I look at P and say "Fine, I guess I'm sleeping down in the basement tonight." and walked out of the room. About 20 minutes later P comes downstairs saying  "Don't be mad, she just wants to watch her show." I was so angry I could barely speak and told him to just go hang out with his fn kid. The man had NO CLUE why I was angry. He couldn't fathom it. Which tells me that I'm far less important than his daughters TV schedule. Great right? I love going to "bed" on a couch, in a basement, feeling like a combination maid, cook, taxi, cum dumpster, rent payer (btw, I pay way too much in rent for just a couch in a cold basement.) I haven't been that mad in years. Honestly it's behavior I would expect from H but not from P. I refused to speak with him for a day and a half (he called and texted repeatedly saying he didn't know what he did wrong. Which just pissed me off more. When I was finally calm enough to speak with him I went over the entire night step by step pointing out where he was a total dick to me and explaining how crappy it made me feel. His only excuse was he wanted B to be happy because she had a rough day. It was a day of her own making. But that isn't the point either. He agreed that I had every right to be angry, and promised that it would never happen again. When I came home from work that day I couldn't help but notice that the more powerful antenna was moved into the living room. Can't upset the little Princess next week, can we? He fixed it so he can't screw up on this one thing but trust me I know I still rank way below his kids wants and I'm not ok with that long term. I let this one go but I know something similar is going to happen and when it does I have an escape plan. While I was still mad I talked to my mom and dad and they offered me my old room back anytime I wanted it. I can have all my stuff out of here and home in 1 trip in probably about 2 hours. I hate the idea of moving home to to mommy and daddy again but I'd save a ton of money to get my own place in a few months and maybe go on vacation.

If B had needed the room for anything important I wouldn't have minded. Honestly if his kids need anything their needs should always come before me. I'm more than okay with that, it's how it should be. TV is not a need.

For now all is forgiven but I have to be honest and say I'm a little less invested in the relationship. I'm going to be hyper sensitive without meaning to be. One thing is for sure, I'm getting too old for this nonsense. If I'm not happy and feeling valued and loved here I need to move on.


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