I Fell Off The Writing Wagon

I didn't mean to but the election happened and I had to get offline and away from social media. Also away from the news. The next four years under a Trump presidency terrifies me. The knowledge that our electoral system has failed for the second time in my lifetime to give the presidency to the candidate that won the over all popular vote pisses me off. I understand why the electoral college was needed when the country was first founded but in this day and age there is no reason that popular vote can't be used. I don't know what I'm more upset about, the fact that we STILL won't have a women president or the fact that a spray painted orangoutang is who beat her (but not really because more people voted against him.)

It makes me sick and sad and frustrated. But also resigned to being essentially screwed for the next 4 years.

Tomorrow back to our regularly scheduled NoBloPoMo.


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