I'm originally from Bristol, RI, home of the oldest Independence Day parade/celebration in the country. It's sort of a big deal around here, the beaches officially open, there are free concerts and a carnival and many other fun family events in the couple weeks leading up to the 4th. Everyone has cookouts and clambakes and the atmosphere is generally that of a big party. When I was a teenager everyone met up at Bristol Common to hit the carnival, eat junk food, watch the fireworks and wander the town until well into the night. Everyone came home exhausted, sunburned, happy and usually with a new boyfriend/girlfriend to hang out with for a few weeks. Good times. :-) Some days I miss being a teenager. Then I remember school, not being able to have a beer legally and the drama involved with being a teenager and I stop missing those days. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I had them but I don't think I could do them over again.
These days, for me anyway, the 4th is a completely different story. I'm home with P&H and the kids. We're having some of their family over for a cookout and some laughs. Later the kids will play with sparklers and poppers and we'll make 'Smores. I'll have a couple beers and maybe we'll go watch the fireworks. And it will be a great day. Not like it was when I was a kid, but still a ton of fun. What sort of surprises me is that neither of the girls has any plans. Orion is bird-sitting for friends so he's got his hands full and will be by later on.
Everyone enjoy the day, I'm off to the kitchen then the grill!
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