Oh No...It's Thursday!!

I can't believe that my week off is almost over. I have to be honest, it was a terrible diet week. I think I put all the weight I lost back on. Part of me has some major guilt about that but another part says f-it I'm on vacation. Terrible attitude I know. All I can do is try again and again. I had a great breakfast and a horrible lunch. But I did run around Capron Zoo with Orion & B. It was fun.

Capron is a tiny zoo but the animals and enclosures are beautiful. The Water Monitor was my favorite, he was huge (I had no idea they could be that big) and had such a personality. We made it into his habitat just in time for his lunch of chicken legs and boy did he know that it was LUNCH TIME! So cute. I mean look at this fella!! The Porcupine and lions were adorable too. Heck, I loved all the animals.

Hello, welcome to my enclosure
See how I ate that chicken? ;-)

After the zoo we stopped at home to pick up T and then we went out to lunch (who was trying to be good?? Not me, right?)

Tomorrow, back to the Beach!!


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