What A Week So Far...
I feel like I didn't get any sleep Sunday night, it was hot in the middle of the bed and my whole body ached. I just couldn't get comfortable. I woke up hourly and was up for the day around 5:30, I didn't get out of bed but I was awake, listening to P sleep and wishing I could too. I was up for the day at 7 and I was already tired and cranky. Luckily I had packed my lunch and work bags Sunday night so all I needed to do was make a cup of coffee and start my car (even though I was boiling hot it was freezing outside last night) so it could warm up a little. Oh and get dressed, I promise I did not go to work in just a Sam Adams t-shirt. Work was a slog, I just wanted the day to end. Don't you hate days like that? I feel like I'm wishing my life away. I generally don't let work get to me, it's a job. Pays the bills, I just go in and get it done and move on. But Monday just made me want to go live as a homeless person. Who needs money? Every request felt like an...