
Showing posts from 2014

I LOVE Being on Vacation - Days 2 & 3

I'd love to say the  past couple days have been whirl-winds of fun and excitement but really they haven't.  Not that I'm upset about that.  They've been useful days and I'm glad to have had the time. Tuesday sort of went by in a blur, I had an eye doctor appointment in the morning then errands.  P left work early (after going in at 3:30am)  so I spent the afternoon with him.  I made a pound cake from scratch (yum!) and creamy-lemon chicken with potatoes and cheesey broccoli for dinner.  It was a delicious meal and a relaxing evening. I managed to clean out a ton of stuff from my bedroom and gathered a whole large trash bag full of still good but not useable for us clothes to donate (and I donated it today-amazing because most of the time the bags sit for weeks.)  After cleaning, Orion and I went Shopkicking (please check out the Shopkick app if you have a smartphone, free $$ peeps) so I could gather enough kicks to get a $25.00 Target card, sc...

I LOVE Being on Vacation Day One - Mystic, CT

Today was a great day.  I forgot to turn off my morning alarm Sunday so it went off at 7am.  In a way I'm kinda glad it did, it gave me the opportunity to turn it off and go back to sleep.  I only slept until 9, but it still felt great to do it.  After getting up and showered Ri and I headed to Mystic, CT to enjoy a day at the Mystic Aquarium and The Village Shoppes right next door from the aquarium.      It was nice to spend the day with just my Ri-guy.  I can't believe he'll be 18 in just 10 short days. Where does time go?  It's crazy, I swear just yesterday he was a toddler driving me nuts in a place like Mystic Aquarium.   Those really were the best days though.  I knew it at the time too but I was too young and stressed out to fully enjoy them.  Having a son as old as mine is doesn't feel strange until I see women about my age (some older!) with sweet little babies or toddlers while I'm out with my almost 18 year old,...

3 Days in a Row - Amazing!

It is 5 minutes past midnight so officially the first day of my week off.  I'm looking forward to sleeping really well tonight.  Last night after typing the blog I gave up and took a couple Benedryl.  Yes, I know they are for allergies but they are also the best sleep aid ever.  I slept for 8 hours straight, no tossing or turning or waking and trying to get back to sleep.  Just out.  I woke up actually ready to tackle the day.  It was a good day too.  We didn't do anything wildly fantastic, just shopping and shopkicking and cooking (enchiladas & cream cheese brownies plus P made his fantastic apple pie. So. Yummy.)  Yesterday, while grabbing groceries we found french vanilla cappuccino k-cups and bought them on a whim.  This was probably one of the best decisions we've ever made.  So good and even better with a slice of pie. I tried to sew a bit but was quickly visited by a furry friend called Felix.  His hobbies includ...

(Almost) 2 Days in a Row!

I'm counting this as a second post in as many days because I haven't gone to bed yet so it's technically still Friday night :)  So what good stuff happened today? It was Friday. I only worked half the day. Oh and now I'm on vacation for a week!!!! **Insert happy dance**  Work had sorta been getting me down lately so this break is more than welcome.  I plan on cleaning out my bedroom. I really do have way too much crap that I'll never need or use again.  Clothes that I just don't need or don't fit and the cobwebs are getting a little out of control, LOL.  It'll feel  good to clean up, plus it will be easier to move (if and when the time comes) if I'm slightly less buried in "stuff". Orion and I would also like to take day-trips to Mystic, CT and Salem, MA and we both have eye doctor appointments.  I would like to spend sometime sewing and I'd like to spend time with my significant others too.  They aren't on vacation though, so eve...

Oh Holy Bananas Do I Suck at Blogging

I won't even try to say that I'll get better.  But I will put a reminder on my phone.  Since it's pretty well glued to my hand I'll be sure to see it. To be honest I forgot this space even existed, I blame my laptop crapping out on me (twice) forcing me to use an ancient macbook (which I love because it's still kicking, so not a complaint.)  So the good computer crapped out and I lost all my bookmarks including this one.  Then tonight I decided I wanted to write, I sorta have a half-way done short story in my head and need a place to put it.  Wait, don't I have a blog? OMG I HAVEN'T POSTED SINCE JANUARY?  So much for a 30 day writing challenge. sigh So I could try again, right? Because that is an important thing to do, try.  Maybe between I could post bits of the story I've been dreaming up.  I think that could be an ok idea. :-) Today is not a picture day, but i'll use this one from a couple weekends ago.  I was texting funny faces ...

No Prompt Tonight, Instead: The Grammy Wedding

So I don't watch award shows. So its perfectly normal for me to be a few days (or weeks or months) behind on these things if left to my own devices.  Luckily for me I am friends with someone that loves award shows so I find out about the good stuff the next day.  Tonight when I finally got around to reading my newsfeed I saw that he posted this: Grammy Wedding This, my dear friends, brought me to tears.  Honestly, there I was listening to a song I love (the only reason I clicked the video) and next thing I know I'm at a wedding.  A beautiful, inclusive, loving, honest to goodness Queen La-FUCKING-tifah marrying people wedding. This was honestly my thought processes from the start of the video: Damn Queen Latifah just keeps getting more beautiful.  How does she do that? I love this song, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis are stand up guys, have to love them. Hey cool Queen Latifah is going to sing wit....wait a second.... OMG SOMEONES GETTING MARR...

The One Where I Remember That I Have a Blog and a 30 Day Writing Challenge To Do

Hi, sorry...I mentioned early on that I get distracted easily and I did.  Actually things were crazy at work when I got back, then my son went to visit my sister so I wasn't home much, my diet went all to heck and I've gained a solid 4 pounds and I've been generally unfocused. OH and there was a snow storm, gotta love those, right?  Well... someone has but trust me that someone is not me.    :-)  life happens, right? On to today's prompt:   Describe Your Dream Home...House, Location and Grounds Dream home, huh?  For which dream? And really what makes a home is what you do in it, not what it looks like or how big it is. Lets go with the dream where I'm on my own because Orion is off doing his dream job most of the year. I'm only one person and honestly I don't have much stuff, I like it that way so my home wouldn't have to be very big, I'd love to say a 1 bedroom apartment would be perfect but I do like visitors, especially my son, so lets go ...

So I missed a few days...Today's Prompt is: It Happened at Daycare

It happened at daycare?  What did? Honestly folks, I've got nothing for this one.  I never went to daycare and I was lucky enough to have a mom that happily cared for my son while I worked (THANKS MOM!!!) so I have no daycare stories to tell. I skipped blogging for the last few days of my vacation.  It was a great break from work and I wish I didn't have to go back today.  I wish I didn't have to go back tomorrow either.  I find my job endlessly frustrating lately. All of it, coworkers, customers, forms, requests the whole lot of it can go take a long walk off a short pier.  So I applied for three different jobs internally this morning.  I probably won't get a call back on any of them but at least I tried.  I'll keep trying too,  I think I need the change.  I need to do the "self review" part of our annual reviews tomorrow or by Friday at the latest.  I have no idea what to say in that either.  "I showed up and did stuff and ...

Writing Prompt Day #4: Choose an item you recently pinned on Pinterest and...TRY IT! Was it a success or failure?

I adore Pinterest.  I can get lost on the site for hours (not kidding.)   There are funny posts for when I need a laugh, cute posts for when I need to AWWWW, smart posts to make me think, and tons of recipe posts that teach me new kitchen tricks.  Some girls hit Pinterest to plan their weddings, I hit Pinterest to plan what foods I'll devour this week. Also to giggle, and AWW when needed.   Tonights Pinterest Adventure was:                                                           Grilled Honey Lime Salmon. I'd call it a success, all the salmon eaters ate and seemed to enjoy it.  I did tweak the recipe a little tiny bit by adding white wine,  olive oil, garlic and onion powder to the marinade.  The original recipe only called for honey, lime juice, salt and pepper. I mixed that up and tasted it.  I...

Writing Prompt Day #3: If you could do it over again...

Fun prompt...ok, no its not.   In all honesty I have more regrets then I can count.  The line in the Counting Crows song "Cowboys" that goes "This is a list of things that I should  have been, but I'm not" is me in a nut shell pretty much.  This isn't to say that I'm unhappy.  Quite the opposite really.  I have a great kid who has been blessed with excellent health, fabulous family, the people I love, their kids, a job that keeps my bills paid, a car that runs well and doesn't have a monthly payment, a great (and I mean really great) sex life and even an awesome cat.  The list of good stuff in my life goes on and on and on.  I am well aware of how very lucky I am but more importantly, I am thankful every day for all this good stuff. But that doesn't mean I don't play the "coulda, woulda, shoulda" game.  Thoughts like "I should have gone to a 4 year college" or "Maybe I should have gotten married and had couple more ...

Writing Prompt #2: If you could be MADE into anything...what you be made into?

Holy Moly, I almost didn't make day 2 of this challenge, LOL.  Remember in my last post I said I wasn't good at finishing things???  Ok, lets hope I can press post before midnight. This one can be taken a few different ways.  Do they mean made into another person?  Or an animal? Or a better version of myself?  I think I'll do all of the above. The first one is easy:  Julia Child. She had interesting life.  War time service in the OSS, true love and she graduated from the Le Cordon Bleu, co-wrote the cookbook that demystified French cooking for us non-french people. Then she went on to show the world at large how to make these wonderful foods on TV!!  I've idolized Julia since I was 4.  She had me at "How to Roast a Chicken", then she threw "The Good Loaf" and "Mousse au Chocolat" at me.  She didn't just show me that these foods existed, she showed me how to make them myself .  Yup, me.  I could make those foods just like ...

Writing Prompt #1: What is something you could stand to learn from your significant other?

I find prompt #1 pretty interesting because it is something I think about fairly frequently. I have more than one significant other (we'll call them P and H) which is a story worth of a post of its own. Someday I'll write that post. Today is not that day.  So...what could I stand to learn from them? Tons. They are unique individuals and somehow a fantastic team all at once, I tend to feel like the third wheel that spices things up and throws wrenches into their plans (I'm told this isn't true, but its how I feel so its my truth.) At the end of the day this relationship works for us 98-99% of the time (hey, no relationship is perfect.) Just please don't ask how it works because I'm honestly not sure. From H I could stand to learn focus and determination. I never considered myself flakey until I met her level of focus. Seriously, the woman has created a business plan for a B&B that may or may not ever happen. She has studied state and local laws, thou...

I Need a 30 Days of Blogging Challenge

So I'll go looking for one and start writing tomorrow. I'm on vacation this week so I can't think of a better time to start. :) For now here is a cute kitty: