Oh Holy Bananas Do I Suck at Blogging

I won't even try to say that I'll get better.  But I will put a reminder on my phone.  Since it's pretty well glued to my hand I'll be sure to see it.

To be honest I forgot this space even existed, I blame my laptop crapping out on me (twice) forcing me to use an ancient macbook (which I love because it's still kicking, so not a complaint.)  So the good computer crapped out and I lost all my bookmarks including this one.  Then tonight I decided I wanted to write, I sorta have a half-way done short story in my head and need a place to put it.  Wait, don't I have a blog? OMG I HAVEN'T POSTED SINCE JANUARY?  So much for a 30 day writing challenge.


So I could try again, right? Because that is an important thing to do, try.  Maybe between I could post bits of the story I've been dreaming up.  I think that could be an ok idea. :-)

Today is not a picture day, but i'll use this one from a couple weekends ago.  I was texting funny faces to someone.


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