(Almost) 2 Days in a Row!

I'm counting this as a second post in as many days because I haven't gone to bed yet so it's technically still Friday night :)  So what good stuff happened today? It was Friday. I only worked half the day. Oh and now I'm on vacation for a week!!!! **Insert happy dance**  Work had sorta been getting me down lately so this break is more than welcome.  I plan on cleaning out my bedroom. I really do have way too much crap that I'll never need or use again.  Clothes that I just don't need or don't fit and the cobwebs are getting a little out of control, LOL.  It'll feel  good to clean up, plus it will be easier to move (if and when the time comes) if I'm slightly less buried in "stuff".

Orion and I would also like to take day-trips to Mystic, CT and Salem, MA and we both have eye doctor appointments.  I would like to spend sometime sewing and I'd like to spend time with my significant others too.  They aren't on vacation though, so evenings can be for them. :-) First though, a busy errand filled weekend.  Wish me luck...



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