Writing Prompt #2: If you could be MADE into anything...what you be made into?

Holy Moly, I almost didn't make day 2 of this challenge, LOL.  Remember in my last post I said I wasn't good at finishing things???  Ok, lets hope I can press post before midnight.

This one can be taken a few different ways.  Do they mean made into another person?  Or an animal? Or a better version of myself?  I think I'll do all of the above.

The first one is easy:  Julia Child. She had interesting life.  War time service in the OSS, true love and she graduated from the Le Cordon Bleu, co-wrote the cookbook that demystified French cooking for us non-french people. Then she went on to show the world at large how to make these wonderful foods on TV!!  I've idolized Julia since I was 4.  She had me at "How to Roast a Chicken", then she threw "The Good Loaf" and "Mousse au Chocolat" at me.  She didn't just show me that these foods existed, she showed me how to make them myself.  Yup, me.  I could make those foods just like her, she said so.  She was even kind enough to screw up and then show me how to fix the mistake! Yes, she was (and still is) my hero.  The war time service and true love stuff I learned about much later and really those things were just gravy. I already knew she was an incredible woman.

With all that said, I'm glad I'm not Julia.  I like being me.  Really I do.  I might go as far as to say that I excel at being myself, I've been doing it for years now.  I'm an expert, trust me ;-)

If I were to be an animal it would have to be a Wal-rilla.  Hee, hee, hee  :-) Ahem, sorry,  inside joke there...Anywhoo...

I  would need to be a sea creature.  I've always felt like I didn't belong on land.  I love being near and in the ocean.  Considering my size I think Blue Whale would be appropriate, but Humpback or Sperm could work as well.  If not a whale then maybe a crab, I do tend to be grouchy and I enjoy pinching people (affectionately, of course.)  Option three would be a Green Sea Turtle just because I think they are beautiful and I want to hug them.

As far as being a better version of myself, I think that's what we all strive for most days.  I know I am anyway...please feel free to leave suggestions I know exactly what I need to be working on.  Like most I tend to be blind to my own faults.    Ok, 3 minutes to midnight, pressing post.

Lots of Love,



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