Exercise and Writing
I talk about how lazy I am fairly frequently. I really, truly am. I love not moving most of the time. But every once in a while sleep is hard to come by and I end up in this loop:
1. Can't sleep because I haven't moved in ages
2. Drink more caffeine than usual (coffee is my best friend on a good day) to push through the day
3. Get home from work EXHAUSTED, do the bare minimum for dinner and tackle what MUST be done.
4. Flop into bed and proceed to NOT sleep because caffeine and I have not exercised.
5. Wash, rinse, repeat.
And all the not sleeping doesn't even begin to touch what a fatso I am. Any help in that area would be a good thing.
I had been in this rut for a couple months and I was just sick of it. I was complaining about mylaziness lack of movement to H one day and jokingly asked her to kick my butt down to their treadmill on weekends. Then I thought about it for a while, I'm in the process of moving there and they do have a perfectly good treadmill that no one ever uses. Why not use it?? Friday I asked P& H to start kicking my butt down there. I NEED the exercise. Saturday morning H grabbed her laptop (she's working on her own erotica in a much more professional way, seeing as how she's an actual writer. I just start stories and then only consider finishing them. Don't worry, Jake & Emily have some fun stuff ahead of them. I just need to write it down.) and said "You walk, I'll write. 30 minute commitment, no distractions."
I don't think either one of us had very high hopes but it ended up working out really, really well. I got a solid 30 minutes in on the treadmill and she ended up writing for an hour. I alternated between listening to music and listening to whatever she had just written. She got feedback, I got a work out. It worked so well that we repeated Sunday, Monday AND today. Last night the exercise finally caught up with me and I had an awesome nights sleep. It was great, I can't wait to do it again tonight. And H? She's close to 7,000 words into her short story in just 4 days, good, good stuff.
Walking stats: incline level 3, 1.5 miles at 3mph. I know, its pitiful but I am really, really out of shape so that short brisk walk leaves me nearly out of breath and sweating like a pig. But the difference in how I feel is really amazing, I'm sleeping better, I FEEL good. Stronger, sexier even. Without any diet changes I've lost 1.2lbs. Not much but I'll take it. I'm planning on ramping up to 2 miles over the weekend.
Who knew moving really did do a body good? Ok, ok, I did but I so love being lazy...
But now for another good nights sleep. More on Jake and Emily tomorrow...after I walk again...I promise!!
1. Can't sleep because I haven't moved in ages
2. Drink more caffeine than usual (coffee is my best friend on a good day) to push through the day
3. Get home from work EXHAUSTED, do the bare minimum for dinner and tackle what MUST be done.
4. Flop into bed and proceed to NOT sleep because caffeine and I have not exercised.
5. Wash, rinse, repeat.
And all the not sleeping doesn't even begin to touch what a fatso I am. Any help in that area would be a good thing.
I had been in this rut for a couple months and I was just sick of it. I was complaining about my
I don't think either one of us had very high hopes but it ended up working out really, really well. I got a solid 30 minutes in on the treadmill and she ended up writing for an hour. I alternated between listening to music and listening to whatever she had just written. She got feedback, I got a work out. It worked so well that we repeated Sunday, Monday AND today. Last night the exercise finally caught up with me and I had an awesome nights sleep. It was great, I can't wait to do it again tonight. And H? She's close to 7,000 words into her short story in just 4 days, good, good stuff.
Walking stats: incline level 3, 1.5 miles at 3mph. I know, its pitiful but I am really, really out of shape so that short brisk walk leaves me nearly out of breath and sweating like a pig. But the difference in how I feel is really amazing, I'm sleeping better, I FEEL good. Stronger, sexier even. Without any diet changes I've lost 1.2lbs. Not much but I'll take it. I'm planning on ramping up to 2 miles over the weekend.
Who knew moving really did do a body good? Ok, ok, I did but I so love being lazy...
But now for another good nights sleep. More on Jake and Emily tomorrow...after I walk again...I promise!!

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