Keeping In Practice
A quick post just to say that I'm logging in and writing.
Today was a quiet day, work was...well work. I should be looking for a new job but I've applied for so many without getting a response that it doesn't really seem worth the time. I know, I know that doesn't mean I should stop looking. Right after I hit publish I'll go find something on Indeed to apply for at least.
I made some yummy chicken with mushrooms and cauliflower mash for dinner. The recipe came from the blog I Breath I'm Hungry. I've been trying to stick to a low carb diet (my weight on surgery day was the heaviest I've ever been.) I started 2 weeks ago and I'm down 10lbs. I know low carb works for me but I always fall off the wagon usually because I get sick of eating the same things over and over. So finding a blog like I Breath I'm Hungry with tons of great recipes is sort of a life saver. Just like 150 pounds to go, sigh. Of course diet can't do it all so this week I'm getting back on the treadmill. Just a mile a day to start, plus the walk I take every day with the dogs. It's not much but it should help.
Ok, it's almost 10pm and I haven't walked or looked for a job on Indeed or showered. I need to do those things and then head to bed.
Also, no worries, I am diligently working on a Whatever Wednesday post. I have ideas, I just haven't been in the right mood...but I will be by Wednesday :-)
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