So Much Junk TV

I think getting Hulu was a bad idea. I have fallen down the rabbit hole of Sixteen and Pregnant, I'm not sure how that happened. It's a stupid show, really stupid. I was sort of a teen mom myself (pregnant at 18, he was born when I was 19) and I just did not run into the amount of drama these girls do. Maybe it's because most of these girls think the father will stay around. I sorta never planned on Ri's dad staying around. I always said that he could have as much or as little contact as he wanted but I was going to be the parent. Finances were never discussed because even at 19 I had the better job and the better support system in my mom (and dad.)  I'm shocked he was as around as much as he was really. I think that when Orion a baby and toddler his dad was just too young to deal with being a dad all the time. When he was around he an ok dad, when he wasn't around Orion was out of sight out of mind. Which was (or the most part) fine with me.

When Orion was about 4 his dad and I got back together and he became more of a real dad. I won't lie, our relationship had its ups and downs and I'm very glad that its over and behind us. I'm also very happy to report that Orion and his dad have a great relationship now. At the end of the day that's what's important right? I'm also happy to report that Orion's dad and stepmom recently had a beautiful baby girl and this time around, he's super-daddy.

So I need to get off my ass and head to the treadmill but I don't want to. I'm really tired mostly because I didn't go to sleep until around 2:30 this morning and was up for the day at 6:30. But it was worth it because I got to dominate and fuck P when he got home from work. I had fun and he seemed to as well, even if he did beg me not to rape him. ;-P


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