Birthdays and Weddings and Crappy Industries and Teenage Drama - Oh My!
Sorry about the week long absence, it's been busy. Not with anything in particular just with...stuff. Not even really interesting stuff. I mean we did a ton of errands, celebrated a wedding (my cousin) and a birthday (T's 14 now, wow!) but the rest of the time it's just work, housework, errands, pretending to exercise and thinking about cell phone plans and the iphone7.
Work has been soul crushing the past couple weeks. Banking is a soul crushing, ethics eating industry. If you want proof, all you have to do is google Wells Fargo. When you do that, know that all banks use the same incentive plan structures. All of them, even if they say they don't, they do. They just word their programs differently. I say incentive but really its more than that, if you're on the front line you can be fired for not meeting your assigned sales goal. Even if your great at every other part of your job. So never mind the whole incentive/bonus thing, if all you want to do is keep your job, you have to sell. Oh and they don't adjust your goal based on your location or customer base. Because that would take actual thought and thinking is hard. I've been working in this industry for nearly 20 years, it sucks. Sadly, I'm pretty sure that I'll never get out of the banking biz. I'd like to but I have zero experience in any other field so at the point the odds that I'll get hired elsewhere are slim to none. So that's how I feel about banking in general. Specifically to me this week work has just been nuts. It's not the volume of work really, its that there are a million and 12 bullshit steps to get anything accomplished and that's after you've played 20 questions to figure out what exactly needs to be done in the first place. A request that comes to me can sometimes sit in my queue for days before I can take action on it because information is missing or inaccurate. I request the missing information, ask for corrections and get ignored until it's suddenly an "urgent" issue and then it's a total scramble to fix whatever the issue is. Good times. I wish I could say this is an uncommon occurrence but it happens a couple times a week at least. The requests I receive come primarily from our Sales Reps. Sales Reps that don't really understand the products we provide or want to talk to the clients they are supposed to be selling this shit to. I just don't get it. Oh well, just work, right? Go home and forget it happened.
I've decided to make the jump and get the iPhone 7 (I don't think I'll get the Plus but we'll see) this weekend. Mostly because I love everything I've seen and read about it and partly because then Orion and B will each get a newer phone (Orion will get my 6, B his 5.) I'm looking forward to it, I love new tech.
Speaking of B, she's starting to worry me. The girl is desperate for a boyfriend or girlfriend (called that one ages ago, girl is far too dyke to be all the way straight) but not finding anyone interested in her. Her friend L tried to set her up with one of her boyfriend's buddies a little over a month ago. They chatted a bunch, but it turned into the old "oh yeah, I'd love to get together" without committing to any actual plans combined with a slow fade away. I saw it happening, it's a move I'm familiar with, it was my signature when I was a kid. Normally the person got the hint after a couple of messages went unanswered and left me alone. Did I mention that B isn't exactly normal? She just complained to me as I walked through kitchen that he unfriended her on Facebook and stopped following her Tumbler AND he wasn't returning any of her messages. I stopped dead in my tracks and asked why she was still sending the guy messages after being unfriended. Apparently she wants to know WHY he doesn't like her. Seriously? Probably because she's the kind of creepy person that wants to know WHY someone doesn't like them. He's not into you, move on. And no, I don't think he owes her any kind of explanation. She needs to move the fuck on while she has some kind of self respect. I couldn't help but notice that while a couple of her other girlfriends were over the house today, L wasn't. This is odd because they usually travel in a little pack. I have a feeling it's because this situation is making L uncomfortable, I'm sure the friend complained about being stalked to her boyfriend who in turn complained to her. Oh the drama of teenagers. But seriously, don't be that person. I know she asked him at least once a day for weeks when they were going to get together. I'm sure it got annoying. I'd be annoyed. She'll make someone a great first wife?
If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that P working 2nd shift is starting to get frustrating. I'd like to have more of a sex life to go along with the giant pile of grown up responsibility that comes with living all together. Not that I don't love all the 2nd mothering, cooking, cleaning and errand running. I'd just like a fun, exploration filled, active sex life along with the rest of it. I sometimes wonder if P does too. I mean he says he does, the talk is great. But whenever it seems like we might have a block of time to do something sexy and fun something else always comes up. Legitimate things most of the time, I'll admit that but I think sex needs to start being a priority on weekends when we're together. Like I've said before, I didn't move in to have less sex. Then I step back and take a look at the whole picture, of my life right now: I have less money, more responsibility and less sex since moving in. When I boil it down like that I wonder why I stay....oh right the love thing. Stupid biological/hormone tricks. To my single friends, trust me when I say: Stay Single.
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