A Relaxing Weekend Might Be Nice
We had another busy weekend, which is mostly good. I know I should be thankful to be busy, I generally don't fare well when I'm not bored by choice. This weekend though, I would have liked to have been bored more. Especially on Saturday, I'm not sure why. Last week wasn't horrible, but I spent the day Friday looking forward to the evening alone. P&H usually take the girls to a place called Social Sparks, then go to dinner together. I usually either hang out at home (in blissful quiet) to blog or watch a movie, or go out with my friend K. Friday I was looking forward to working on a sexy blog but H made plans to meet for dinner with one of her friends after she dropped the girls off. So P decided to hang out with me, which is always fun but not always productive in the way I want to be. We Shopkicked, went to Target and grabbed some Chinese food for dinner. It was after 9 when we got home to put away the groceries and other stuff we bought. Then Ri came to visit for a while, which was nice. By the time he left it was close to midnight and I was exhausted and ready for bed. I think sex might have happened, actually I'm pretty sure it did, did I mention I was exhausted?
Looking back it seems like Saturday was a normal day but at the time it felt like we had a million to do. P, B & I left the house around 9:30 to get B to the bird rescue to volunteer. I might have mentioned fairly passionately that I can't wait for this kid to get her license so P, H & I could have our Saturday's back. Mostly P & I, H generally makes plans with her writer friends on Saturdays. I love that B is volunteering her time to a very worthy cause, but I miss sleeping late and having Saturday mornings to do whatever I want with. P says all the time that I don't have to go with him, I don't. But I feel guilty sending him off by himself to wander the mall and wait on B to finish up. At least if I go too we get a few errands done, keep each other company and usually enjoy brunch somewhere. All nice things but man I'd love to just sleep late and then fuck P on a Saturday morning. Can you tell I'm done with the mom thing lately? All the girls do is annoy me lately. Ri annoys be by not demanding mom stuff from me. I hate that he's so grown up.
Anyway, we stopped home quick for lunch then headed right back out to finish up weekly shopping (and take B to get her brows done.) As we're leaving the BJ's parking lot H calls to tell us that P's family had dropped in to visit. P had spoken to both his mom and his sister earlier in the week, they wanted drop by to see B and bring her cake and presents (she turned 17 on the 25th) P had asked that they call first to make sure we were home because our weekends tend to be busy. P's family doesn't take direction well. Luckily H & T were home and we weren't too far away. From what P said on the way home all they wanted to do was drop of a cake and presents they weren't going to stay long. Plus we would be able to give his sister the birthday present we had picked up for his niece Friday night. Sounded great, once they left we could figure out what to make for dinner and menu plan breakfast for the next day. Oh I forgot to mention that H invited one of her writer friends and her family (husband + 3 kids) over for breakfast on Sunday. We also had plans to go to P's brother's house for a cookout Sunday. So basically on Saturday afternoon I was already freaking out about how busy we were going to be Sunday and it was only about 4pm on Saturday. Oh and we still had family at home to see. P's family always stresses me out. I have no idea why but they do. Shouldn't be too bad though, right? Just his mom and sister. NOPE. We pull into the driveway and I can't help but notice that both P's mom's car and his sister's car are in the driveway. P's mom lives with his sister, why would they take two cars? Unless....yup everyone is there. P's sister, mom, brother in law and all three nieces.
Seriously?? Why does it take 6 people to deliver a cake and a card?? Also, why weren't we told that 6 people were coming over or that anyone was coming at all? Also, does no one else realize that we have NOTHING planned for dinner and 11 people in the house just before dinner time?? I mean besides left over Chinese that only I like. ACK! Not to worry, we'll exchange cards and have some cake and then they'll leave right? Except the younger nieces and T love being together so they take off to the basement, all the adults (minus me) are chatting, P wants to show the fam the solar panels we're having installed on the roof, BIL launched a new online business and has to go into minute detail about how this is going to be how they strike it big (this time for sure.) And the next thing I know it's 5:30pm and oldest niece is asking when we're going to have dinner.
Sorry kiddo, no dinner, didn't even know you were all coming over but if you're hungry come take a tour around the kitchen with me and pick anything you'd like. She opted to wait for cake. Good plan kid. Eventually we did have cake, exchange cards and after a while they went home to have dinner. P and I menu planned then picked up the odds and ends we'd need for breakfast the next day and started what we could ahead of time. By the time everything settled down I was ready to sleep but P was still wide awake so we watched TV and I gave him a blow job because... Well, why not? It's fun to watch him get so happy.
Sunday is kind of a blur at this point, I was up and cooking before 9. The guests were over and eating by 9:30. Then there was lots of chatting and child chasing and baby holding. The guests left around 12 and H & B left at about the same time to go visit her mom in the nursing home quick before meeting us at P's brother's house for the cookout. Which was pretty interesting, found out his brother is on the verge of breaking up with his long time baby-mama. They are fighting about money and her 2 girls (not his children) being disrespectful brats. Is it terrible to say that no one was surprised or upset by the news? If we're going to be honest, no one likes baby mama, we haven't from the start. We look forward to her being out of his life but worry that she'll try to keep his son from him. Still not a good reason to stay together, little guy will be even more messed up growing up in such a tense environment. At least Sunday night was relaxing? Ri came to visit, B & P watched Fear The Walking Dead (because one Walking Dead is just not enough) and I went to bed around midnight. No sex of any kind was had.
Luckily Monday was a holiday!!! And we had nothing planned!!!
We goofed off most of the morning, watched some TV, then took Ri, B & T to Sundae's for an ice cream lunch (because we're grown ups, LOL.) It was a super relaxing day, just what I needed to unwind from the rest of the crazy ass weekend. It went by much too quickly.
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