I Really Hope No One Reads This Blog
I'm a rather voracious blog reader, I love seeing new posts pop up in my news feed but sadly I am a crappy blogger myself. I mean to post, honestly I half compose updates in my head all the time but then they go poof. It's sad, all those thoughts that ended up being nothing after all. So, what's happened since October of last year? Lots of things and nothing at all at the same time.
Item one, this guy:
Orion has turned 18, making me the mother of an adult. How in the name of the universe did that happen? He will graduate from High School in June with zero plans after that. Other than he would like to take an EMT course, get his license and then start being an actual EMT. This scares the bejesus out of me, EMT's are wonderful people, they are a needed, important part of our day to day lives. They are examples of the best in humanity but they see the worst. Car wrecks, spousal abuse, accidents, drug addicts, the list of things I DO NOT want my baby exposed to goes on and on. Can he handle it? Sadly, I think he can. I think he'll be good at it to boot. But I hate, absolutely hate the idea of him doing it. Seriously, that smirk (best picture I have of him right now) does he look like an EMT??
Item two, Birds!
Parrot-type birds to be specific. Another Orion passion. Remember how much Orion loves animals? The feeling has always been mutual. He has also always loved dinosaurs. In September of 2014 he watched the documentary "Parrots Confidential" and decided to get involved. Within a week he found a exotic bird rescue in Warwick and started volunteering. In his words "My love for dinosaurs didn't die, it just evolved." Orion now spends 3 days a week at the rescue, if they offered I think he would move in. Also, long story short, we have a new pet.
Meet Sonny the Sun Conure:
Don't let that face fool you, he's evil. Ok, maybe not entirely evil but not exactly the friendliest bird on the planet. He loves exactly two people. Orion and my mom. Everyone else is just a nut dispenser (and make with the nuts or he will take chunks out of your skin.) I generally say nice bird, hand him a nut and then leave him alone. Or I take pictures because I have a fancy pants camera now and damn he's a pretty, pretty subject.
Orion just generally loves this little fella and as expected, the feeling is mutual:

I'm the first to admit that a parrot-type is not the pet for me but they are wonderful creatures, each with their own personality, opinions and story. They live forever (ok, not forever but easily 80 years) and the number of birds relinquished by families due to the death of their elderly owners is sad. The number of birds that have been abused or neglected because they are birds and not dogs is depressing. Birds tend to bond to one person in particular and develop very deep attachments. They are social and MUST be interacted with. The distress of losing their person then getting shuttled to a shelter full of other birds and strangers is...heartbreaking. Seeing them come in terrified of humans and/or of leaving their cages is worse. You can see them thinking "Please don't hurt me"and it's horrible. I commend the volunteers that run this shelter, including Orion. They work so hard and with seemingly endless patience to rehab these animals, show them that not all humans are evil and that life can go on and be good even. They rehabed and re-homed close to 100 birds in 2014 alone. So far this year 15. Sadly there are always more. The work continues and so do the volunteers. Ok enough of that rant, mostly because it's making me sad.
As for me, well I'm still me (sad, I know.) I still working in the same job, which is good and bad. Good because it pays the bills, bad because some days I hate it and I'm fairly sure it's not what I want to do forever. Don't ask me what I do want to do because I just don't know. I've been too busy just trying to get by for the past 18 years, working in banking has allowed me to do that and more so I am not complaining.
What else is new? Oh, in March I finally bought a new car. It's not fancy, a 2005 Toyota Highlander (v6, full time all wheel drive, 3rd row of seats, remote starter, silver) but its the nicest car I've ever owned. It is safe, and practical and holds all 6 of us. I bought it outright (with the help of a 401k loan) and I love it. The first week I had it (in a huge slight fit of rage) I went out and bought a new refrigerator, it came home the same day with no delivery charges thanks to the Highlander. I've had it for a few months now and I still love driving it. That has to be a good sign.
I'm supposed to be moving in with P&H in June. I keep saying that I will write more about our relationship and I will...eventually I swear. For now lets say it's non-traditional and leave it at that. We're all generally happy with the arrangement. Living with them full time (I already spend weekends there) is going to be tough. Some days I can pretty easily see it not working out well, others it seems like it would be fantastic. I think that's true of any co-habitating relationships though. We won't know until we try and I've been putting off trying with anyone for quite a while now. At this point in my life, why not try?
Wish me luck.

Item one, this guy:
Orion has turned 18, making me the mother of an adult. How in the name of the universe did that happen? He will graduate from High School in June with zero plans after that. Other than he would like to take an EMT course, get his license and then start being an actual EMT. This scares the bejesus out of me, EMT's are wonderful people, they are a needed, important part of our day to day lives. They are examples of the best in humanity but they see the worst. Car wrecks, spousal abuse, accidents, drug addicts, the list of things I DO NOT want my baby exposed to goes on and on. Can he handle it? Sadly, I think he can. I think he'll be good at it to boot. But I hate, absolutely hate the idea of him doing it. Seriously, that smirk (best picture I have of him right now) does he look like an EMT??
Item two, Birds!
Parrot-type birds to be specific. Another Orion passion. Remember how much Orion loves animals? The feeling has always been mutual. He has also always loved dinosaurs. In September of 2014 he watched the documentary "Parrots Confidential" and decided to get involved. Within a week he found a exotic bird rescue in Warwick and started volunteering. In his words "My love for dinosaurs didn't die, it just evolved." Orion now spends 3 days a week at the rescue, if they offered I think he would move in. Also, long story short, we have a new pet.
Meet Sonny the Sun Conure:
Orion just generally loves this little fella and as expected, the feeling is mutual:
I'm the first to admit that a parrot-type is not the pet for me but they are wonderful creatures, each with their own personality, opinions and story. They live forever (ok, not forever but easily 80 years) and the number of birds relinquished by families due to the death of their elderly owners is sad. The number of birds that have been abused or neglected because they are birds and not dogs is depressing. Birds tend to bond to one person in particular and develop very deep attachments. They are social and MUST be interacted with. The distress of losing their person then getting shuttled to a shelter full of other birds and strangers is...heartbreaking. Seeing them come in terrified of humans and/or of leaving their cages is worse. You can see them thinking "Please don't hurt me"and it's horrible. I commend the volunteers that run this shelter, including Orion. They work so hard and with seemingly endless patience to rehab these animals, show them that not all humans are evil and that life can go on and be good even. They rehabed and re-homed close to 100 birds in 2014 alone. So far this year 15. Sadly there are always more. The work continues and so do the volunteers. Ok enough of that rant, mostly because it's making me sad.
As for me, well I'm still me (sad, I know.) I still working in the same job, which is good and bad. Good because it pays the bills, bad because some days I hate it and I'm fairly sure it's not what I want to do forever. Don't ask me what I do want to do because I just don't know. I've been too busy just trying to get by for the past 18 years, working in banking has allowed me to do that and more so I am not complaining.
I'm supposed to be moving in with P&H in June. I keep saying that I will write more about our relationship and I will...eventually I swear. For now lets say it's non-traditional and leave it at that. We're all generally happy with the arrangement. Living with them full time (I already spend weekends there) is going to be tough. Some days I can pretty easily see it not working out well, others it seems like it would be fantastic. I think that's true of any co-habitating relationships though. We won't know until we try and I've been putting off trying with anyone for quite a while now. At this point in my life, why not try?
Wish me luck.
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