
Halfway Through 2024??

Time does move fast, doesn't it? So Happy New Year (a couple times over)!! I've recently decided (after checking out some of my favorite blogs and finding zero updates) that I miss this medium. Tiktok & Insta are great but reading about someone's life was always so much fun. So, in the spirit of trying to bring back blogging I thought I do a "What have I been up to?" list. It's not much to be honest but here we go!  The three of us are still a thrupple and we're happier than ever. I seriously love my life with them and can't imagine what I would do without them.  One of my partner's retina detached about a year ago. The first four surgeries failed to fix it. Lucky number five seems to have done the job but he's still one surgery away from it being completely fixed. If all goes to plan this surgery will be done at the end of July, I'm looking forward to him having depth perception again.  All three "kids" (they are all well int

Lets Sum Up The Last Two Years

I don't know about anyone else but I think the only thing I can say about 2020-2021 is...what the hell happened? We are a hairs breath from 2022 and I'm just not done processing 2020. I can honestly say I never thought that I'd live through a plague, insurrection or Row v. Wade being overturned but here we are. I hate conservitives. I think I can honestly say that now. After years of trying to play nice, giving the benefit of doubt and trying to respect others feelings I'm done. Which leads to my frustration with my own politcal party. We have the upper hand right now and still can't get anything done because we are free thinkers. No one is willing to stand up and say "GET ON THE FUCKING PARTY LINE AND VOTE THE WAY WE TELL YOU TOO." Honestly we've learned nothing from the GOP. If you want to ram policy through you get the peons to put aside their personal views and vote the way you tell them to. Problem solved. But no. Gotta play nice on our side. Si

This one isn't sexy...but it might just be a love story

Morgan stepped out of the small chamber and sighed, it had been a long night but she was home again in her own time. Her own lab. She let her fingers linger on the TARDIS sticker adorning the door as she closed it. Samuel had put it there years ago, before she got it working properly. It was fitting, Dr. Who was what inspired her to do the work to make pricise time travel possible. While the rest of humanity seemed focus on reaching the outer limits of space, she had been facinated by time. Everyone knew small jumps forward and back were possible but she was who figured out how to get exactly when and where you wanted to go and back again safely. Her theories, her machines. Now leased to the government for 500 years, in exchange for her own lab with staff, a large salary and final say on what they did with her tech. She knew that last part was probably a joke. As she turned she saw David, her android, approching with cold water a blanket from the warmer. She couldn't help but smi

Whatever Wednesday - TV Time

Hi all, sorry it took me so long to continue the DDlg Wednesday story. Three weeks of back to back work travel has thrown a wrench in my routine and I can't promise that it will get better. Now back to the story... After corner time was up Jack led Emily down to the kitchen and told her sit on the hard bench so they could eat breakfast. She motioned to one of the cushioned chairs at the end of the table but Jack placed her food at the bench and told her that it would be her seat at meal times while they were playing. "But Daddy..." she started touching her very red bare bottom. "I know you have a sore bottom baby but this is your spot. If you behave you won't have to worry about where you sit, will you?" Emily started to protest again but Jack took her by the arm and asked "Do you need to go back over my knee or are you going to be a good little girl and sit where I tell you?" Emily pushed her lower lip out into a pout but said "I'

Whatever Wednesday - Turns Out Her Name Was Emily

Wednesday Morning, 6:15. Emily stepped out of the shower, wrapped herself in a towel and padded out to the bedroom where Jack was lying in bed. She stole a glance at him, laying on his side watching her and grinning wickedly. It hit her that it was his favorite day of the week and a shiver went up her spine as he stood up and walked over to her. "Baby girl, I told you I would help you in the shower. Why didn't you wake me up and ask for help in the shower?" Emily remembered the game they had discussed over the past week. Jack wanted to be her to be his little girl, he would be "Daddy" for the long weekend. As "Daddy" he would be the caregiver and she would need to ask his permission before doing anything, obey him without question and accept the consequences (or rewards) she was given and thank him. Both for punishments and rewards. Instead of "Master" she was to call him Daddy or Sir. She wasn't sure how she felt about this new gam

Three Year Hiatus Is Long Enough, Right?

It's been forever, how is everyone here? Life has been good (really good, we're very lucky and I know it) and we've been blogging about it over on Life, Love and Family. But I think it's time for me to dust this old blog off just for me and the sexy stories that bounce around my brain. It hit me this morning that I had forgotten the names of the couple I wrote Whatever Wednesdays about. I had a really nice fantasy in bed this morning and thought I should write it out using...mmm who were they? James and Anne? Wendy and Jamie? I was fairly certain that the guy's name started with "J" Jack! That was it,so did I call the wife Sally? No, wait, stop, that's Nightmare Before Christmas.... but I'm pretty sure I called the guy Jack. As I'm typing this I have to say that I haven't gone back and looked so I'm still not sure what her name is. Polly? I remember I went through a phase of liking that name. I'd go through or an old blog post now

It's Been A While..

So Saturday P and I were together all day, running errands, doing house stuff, flirting a little. It had been a great day and I was just starting to wind down for the evening when P asked me to go with him to the garage to see something he had set up out there. I generally don't care about what goes on in the garage (don't tell P) but I went anyway. I ended up gently teasing him about what he had done, expecting him to shoot a snide comment right back at me (we have great banter) but instead he grabbed one of my pigtails, pulled me close and growled that he was going to make me very sorry then choke me with his cock and make me swallow his cum. Needless to say I was intrigued, a little frightened, and very, very turned on. What can I say, my fear/pain/pleasure receptors are all entangled, it's anyone's guess why. I pulled away a little, giggled and called him a tease. P has a tendency to tease me by acting all mean and then being nothing but sweet. But something in hi