Lets Sum Up The Last Two Years
I don't know about anyone else but I think the only thing I can say about 2020-2021 is...what the hell happened? We are a hairs breath from 2022 and I'm just not done processing 2020.
I can honestly say I never thought that I'd live through a plague, insurrection or Row v. Wade being overturned but here we are. I hate conservitives. I think I can honestly say that now. After years of trying to play nice, giving the benefit of doubt and trying to respect others feelings I'm done. Which leads to my frustration with my own politcal party. We have the upper hand right now and still can't get anything done because we are free thinkers. No one is willing to stand up and say "GET ON THE FUCKING PARTY LINE AND VOTE THE WAY WE TELL YOU TOO." Honestly we've learned nothing from the GOP. If you want to ram policy through you get the peons to put aside their personal views and vote the way you tell them to. Problem solved. But no. Gotta play nice on our side. Sigh. Okay, rant over.
So what's been going on around here over the last couple years? I've had three jobs, at a credit union, a title company & now with a rental assistance program run by the state. It's a contract job that should be ending in June 2022. Part of me feels like I should be panicking about that but I'm not. Something will come along.
I've discovered that I love cruising. I honestly wasn't expecting to when I first booked one, I figured it would just be cheap way to spend some time with my son and visit The Bahamas. I really didn't think I'd enjoy the time on the ship that much but I was so, so wrong. The ship is so much fun, the views are amazing, the crews are awesome. And don't get me started about the food. You can be as busy and engaged or as disconnected and relaxed as you want. By the time you've boarded the ship the entire trip is paid for (assuming you added tips and a drinks package) so just board the ship and forget your life on land. The whole experience adds up to paradise for me. So much so that in August long after I was fully vaccinated, armed with my trusty masks I jumped on a five day sailing on my own. I added the intenet package so I could keep in touch with my family back on shore and throughly enjoyed my solo trip. The ship sailed at half capacity and everyone was vaccinated so I felt safer onboard than I would at my local Target. There were some grim reminders that we weren't in a pandemic free world, we weren't allowed off the ship at the Dominican Republic due to the infection levels at shore. I hadn't planned any shore excusions myself but there were a bunch of very disappointed passengers (including one family that had plans to visit family in that lived in the Dominican, they were very upset.) But still life aboard ship that day was lovely, and I took some nice pictures.
I've basically fallen in love with endless blue seas. I'm also pretty sure I was a pirate in my last life.
The second I got home I started planning my next trips and they are coming up fast. The first is from January 12-17 with my son. Then I get off the boat, go to the airport to drop him off so he can fly home. While I'm at the airport I'll meet up with Paulo and we'll jump on another ship the same day for a 5 day jaunt to The Bahamas. Yes, I'm getting off one ship and onto another one on the same day It's actually the same ship, LOL. But the prices couldn't be beat,the itineriaries are different and the company will be different so I'm not worried about getting bored.
When I get back from these trips it will be time for me to seriously figure out what I want to do about my career life. I've liked working as a contractor with RentReliefRI but the program is going to end in June and I'm not sure I want to go back to working in finance. I have about 6 months to figure it out but it's something I should figure out sooner than later. My current manager told me she would like to me stay on full time in another area she manages but I'm not sure this is the world I want to stay in either. Wherever I go I will most likely be starting from scratch, I just need to figure out where I'll be happiest.
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