I LOVE Being on Vacation - Days 2 & 3

I'd love to say the past couple days have been whirl-winds of fun and excitement but really they haven't. Not that I'm upset about that. They've been useful days and I'm glad to have had the time. Tuesday sort of went by in a blur, I had an eye doctor appointment in the morning then errands. P left work early (after going in at 3:30am) so I spent the afternoon with him. I made a pound cake from scratch (yum!) and creamy-lemon chicken with potatoes and cheesey broccoli for dinner. It was a delicious meal and a relaxing evening. I managed to clean out a ton of stuff from my bedroom and gathered a whole large trash bag full of still good but not useable for us clothes to donate (and I donated it today-amazing because most of the time the bags sit for weeks.) After cleaning, Orion and I went Shopkicking (please check out the Shopkick app if you have a smartphone, free $$ peeps) so I could gather enough kicks to get a $25.00 Target card, sc...