An Amazing Weeekend
Doula class was this weekend and it was amazing from start to finish. Great women, great town, a bed to myself in a lovely quiet house (thank you Nira and Airbnb!) I loved the class, all of it. Now to start looking for new moms to help, I need to complete 20 hours of volunteer doula work in order to be officially certified. Time to start pounding the bricks, looking for new mamas to help! The instructor is pretty much the person I thought I would be when I grew up as kid. She's a midwife, a birth doula, a postpartum doula and a lactation consultant. SHE KNOWS ALL THE THINGS!! And she's a amazing, level headed and down to earth. I learned so much. She is running a birth doula course in September, part of me wants to jump in with two feet and just sign up today, the other part of me would like to see how this postpartum certification goes. Do I find moms to volunteer with to complete certification? Is there any interest in doula's in general in my area? Will I be able to mak...