
I love to read. When I was younger I would read a book a week (sometimes more) but over the past couple years I've started reading books less and less. I still read all the time but its more in the form of news stories, other blogs, work procedures. So a couple months ago I decided to start reading again. The next time I saw a book I was even slightly interested in I would grab it and start reading. While wandering through BJs I spotted a book called "Shanghai Girls" the cover was interesting so I gabbed it. It started out great but the ending not a fan. Maybe the sequel will make me feel better? Then while listening to NPR on the way to work I heard about a book by Kate Atkinson called Life After Life. Excellent read, I enjoyed every page. But again the ending, maybe it's me. This book has a sort of sequel which is also on my to do list. This weekend, when out shopping I'll be on the lookout for another book, hopefully a stand alone because this sequel thing...