
Showing posts from May, 2015


I love to read. When I was younger I would read a book a week (sometimes more) but over the past couple years I've started reading books less and less. I still read all the time but its more in the form of news stories, other blogs, work procedures. So a couple months ago I decided to start reading again. The next time I saw a book I was even slightly interested in I would grab it and start reading.  While wandering through BJs I spotted a book called "Shanghai Girls" the cover was interesting so I gabbed it. It started out great but the ending not a fan. Maybe the sequel will make me feel better? Then while listening to NPR on the way to work I heard about a book by Kate Atkinson called Life After Life. Excellent read, I enjoyed every page.  But again the ending, maybe it's me.  This book has a sort of sequel which is also on my to do list. This weekend, when out shopping I'll be on the lookout for another book, hopefully a stand alone because this sequel thing...

What the Hell Day Is It Anyway?

Today was interesting.  I thought it was Tuesday until around noon.  Finding out it was Wednesday was actually a nice surprise, that much closer to the weekend! I have June 1st off too for someone's birthday. I like all this not working and I'm looking forward to July when I'll have 2 full weeks of not working.   At lunchtime P sent me a text asking how the day was going and lamenting the fact that the weather is getting warmer and there was still a ton of "stuff" to do in the yard (P is NOT a fan of hot weather, unless I'm on a beach neither am I.) I rattled my brain for a few minutes trying to think of what "stuff" was left to do. A few weeks ago we weeded and mulched flower beds, he had mowed the lawn over the weekend. I'm sure the sole tomato plant we planted is doomed but it had been watered Monday. What else could there possibly be to do out in the yard? I couldn't think of anything so I asked what he was talking about. Apparently f...

I Really Hope No One Reads This Blog

I'm a rather voracious blog reader, I love seeing new posts pop up in my news feed but sadly I am a crappy blogger myself.  I mean to post, honestly I half compose updates in my head all the time but then they go poof.  It's sad, all those thoughts that ended up being nothing after all.  So, what's happened since October of last year?  Lots of things and nothing at all at the same time. Item one, this guy: Orion has turned 18, making me the mother of an adult. How in the name of the universe did that happen?  He will graduate from High School in June with zero plans after that.  Other than he would like to take an EMT course, get his license and then start being an actual EMT.  This scares the bejesus out of me, EMT's are wonderful people, they are a needed, important part of our day to day lives. They are examples of the best in humanity but they see the worst.  Car wrecks, spousal abuse, accidents, drug addicts, the list of things I DO NOT...