Lets Sum Up The Last Two Years
I don't know about anyone else but I think the only thing I can say about 2020-2021 is...what the hell happened? We are a hairs breath from 2022 and I'm just not done processing 2020. I can honestly say I never thought that I'd live through a plague, insurrection or Row v. Wade being overturned but here we are. I hate conservitives. I think I can honestly say that now. After years of trying to play nice, giving the benefit of doubt and trying to respect others feelings I'm done. Which leads to my frustration with my own politcal party. We have the upper hand right now and still can't get anything done because we are free thinkers. No one is willing to stand up and say "GET ON THE FUCKING PARTY LINE AND VOTE THE WAY WE TELL YOU TOO." Honestly we've learned nothing from the GOP. If you want to ram policy through you get the peons to put aside their personal views and vote the way you tell them to. Problem solved. But no. Gotta play nice on our side. Si...