
Showing posts from May, 2017


As expected, we lost P's mom last Saturday morning. According to P's sister she passed very peacefully in her sleep around 4am. She waited until 6am to call P and his brother. I'm so glad that the whole family had congregated at the house to say goodbye Friday night. P's aunts were there and being the very Catholic people they are brought a priest with them to give her last rights. I have to say that was one of the creepiest/saddest things I have ever seen. Definitely not something that would bring me peace, I know it did nothing to help P or his siblings (it's hard to shake that Catholic childhood even if you say you have) I hope his aunts and mother found it helpful. I can't believe it's been a whole week since she passed already. Everything has been a blur for me this week so I can't imagine how P and his siblings feel. I have learned that I think we need to change how we handle final arrangements in our society though. P and his siblings had zero ...